weeks three & four, rolling on the floor

The dream run started to fade a bit over these weeks. My left had started to hurt a bit and I took a bit more rest than I had planned.

During week three I managed two 5km runs and then a longer run of 8.5km on the Sunday. I’d planned to run both Saturday and Sunday, but I ended up helping my parents with their business in the morning (tiring!) and then had my hair done. Priorities!

Week four was a bit different. We ran post-work on Tuesday in the city – and for the second week in a row I had to run up six flights of stairs as the lifts were packed with people being shown through the building and then had people urgently trying to get hold of me to sort out issues. Poor triathlete had to wait outside in the chilly air while I sorted things! I didn’t fit in another run until Sunday, which was actually a good thing. Before the weekend I ‘cheated’ and did a Nike Training Club workout instead of running again to try and strengthen my core.

Sunday of week four perked me up a bit though. I knew I needed to tackle a 10km run. Bear in mind I hadn’t run this far since my pulled-out-of-the-half 10km race last November. I had run 9km earlier this year, and that was the day my IT band freaked out. Bit of a mental challenge to get through, but I knew it was needed! The triathlete had decided to join me for 5km and ended up running the full 10km with me. I knew I wanted to do it in under an hour. With three kilometres to go I was feeling good (we had taken a quick stretch break at 5.5km), but I quickly became angry runner when he decided running across a muddy field was a good idea. It was not. I believe I may have used the word ‘hate’ while dashing about the field to make up my last kilometre!

We did the 10km in 57min 48sec. I was incredibly excited, especially when I saw that meant our average pace was less than 6 minutes. I could even walk the next day, and was feeling okay about the Run and Walk event the following weekend.

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